Praise God from whom all blessings flow!Another in the series on some of the beautiful parish churches that carry on the tradition of classical Anglican Christianity. Pictured here is St. Timothy’s Anglican Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas, a parish of

the Reformed Episcopal Church. From what I understand this beautiful sanctuary was once a Mormon meeting house; now it is renovated and arranged for the dignified and orthodox worship of The Book of Common Prayer. Across the country faithful Anglicans continue to establish reverent places of worship.
I agree; they did a very nice job with it.
I have been to a parish meeting in a Lions hall. I have alot of respect for people that can meet in such unchurcly feeling places.
I went to Olde St. Paul's in Portland, ME. What a beautiful, majestic church.
Old St. Paul's is indeed a beautiful church. If I can find some good photos I'll post them in the future.
Fantastic! The perfect english balance of reverent beauty and ordered simplicity. One of the most beautiful REC sanctuaries that I've seen.
Brett <><
Again--I agree. It is ornate without becoming crowded. Good proportions and use of the space.
If anyone has a chuch they think should be highlighted here, please let me know.
I am a parishoner of St. Timothy's and I can tell you that it is not only the beauty of my beloved church which almost brings me to tears every time I enter the doors, but also the very sweet hearts of the wonderful people that fill the pews. I thank God every day for St. Timothy's, our priest Fr. Brad Cunningham and the Anglican Church.
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